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Welcome to DMI International

DMI is a union of committed women who have dedicated their lives to serve the poor and the underprivileged unconditionally. Through their services, the DMIs want to create a world where love, peace, equality, justice and brotherhood are ensured for all. The Society of Daughters of Mary Immaculate and Collaborators (DMI) was founded in the year 1984 by Rev.Fr. J.E. Arul Raj OMI, at Keechalam, a remote village in Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu, India.

We are a Society of faith driven volunteers trying to help persons of all status: Men, Women and Children to attain their fullness by being “Fully Human and Fully Alive”. Everyone who is involved in the endeavor of looking at the welfare of the whole World with eco-friendly approach towards making this

Rev.Fr. J.E. Arul Raj

World and Universe at large, a better place for everyone of us through community building, human and nature friendly scientific inventions and innovations could join hands with us.

I wish everyone of you to enjoy your association with us whenever you come to use our greater facilities with the greater goal of being Fully Human and Fully Alive, while accepting God our Father as the mentor of all of us.

Rev. Sr. M. Virgin, DMI
Co - Foundress

Sr. M. Virgin is the co-foundress of DMI, MMI and AMI. She stood by the Founder along with the Founding Members of the Society in building up of DMI, MMI and AMI. She reached her heavenly abode on 11th January 2013.

DMI in visions a society with love, peace,justice, equality to all and every individual is fully human as fully alive.

Enabiling the marginalized, especially women and children to get their legitimate share in education, health, security and livelihood opportunities through collective strength.


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