: DMI Provides opportunites to social workers and individual or organization to work in the various field of social activites.When you volunteer with DMI International,you play a sinificant role in tranforming the lives of many individuals and families.As a volunteer you share the vision of DMI by educating the community,about hunger ,poverty,health awareness,training,andequipping them to have a better standard of living moreover,By mobilizing,finance support for all our programs around the globe.
Volunteers can choose how they want to work in our programs in the following areas.

1.Educational programming
2.Maintain facilites
3.Provide administrative support
4.Assist with special events
5.Assist medical camps and free clinics
6.taking care of livestoke's
7.Be an area voluteer's coordinator for DMI in your City,State,and Country.
8.Recruit and enlist new volunteers
9.Providing agricaultural training to farmers.


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