: Women Development Programs implemented by DMI is unique in nature, and the result is fruitful. Here the women learned for the first time the concept and importance of Planning, Saving, and Self Help. Marketing the ‘products and commodities,’ of these self-help groups, Collective Communities markets were also functioning in which all the self- helps groups meet at a point.

Women Empowerment

Self help group


Capacity Build Training

Community Developement

Environmental Protection

Economics “Empowerment of women is essential to harness the women”. Empowering Women aims to inspire women with the courage to break free from the chains of limiting belief patterns and societal or religious conditioning that have traditionally kept women suppressed and unable to see their true beauty and power. The promotion of self-help groups as a basis for the social and economic empowerment of deprived and disadvantaged women has been found to be a successful mechanism for the organization, mobilization and self development of women.
Nearly 7000 women’s with 370 Self Help Groups benefited successfully, ultimately having an impact by influencing the neighboring villages of Africa.

Objectives :-

  • To sensitize women of target area for the need of SHG and its relevance in their empowerment process.
  • To develop collective decision making among women.
  • To create group feeling among women.
  • To enhance the confidence and capabilities of women.
  • To encourage habit of saving among women and facilitate the accumulation of their own capital resource base.


“Empowerment of women is essential to harness the women”. Empowering Women aims to inspire women with the courage to break free from the chains of limiting belief patterns and societal or religious conditioning that have traditionally kept women suppressed and unable to see their true beauty and power. The promotion of self-help groups as a basis for the social and economic empowerment of deprived and disadvantaged women has been found to be a successful mechanism for the organization, mobilization and self development of women.

a. Poverty Eradication
Since women comprise the majority of the population below the poverty line and are very often in situations of extreme poverty, given the harsh realities of intra-household and social discrimination, macro economic policies and poverty eradication programs will specifically address the needs and problems of such women. There will be improved implementation of programs which are already women oriented with special targets for women. Steps will be taken for mobilization of poor women and convergence of services, by offering them a range of economic and social options, along with necessary support measures to enhance their capabilities.

b. Micro Credit
In order to enhance women‟s access to credit for consumption and production, the establishment of new and strengthening of existing micro-credit mechanisms and micro-finance institution will be undertaken so that the outreach of credit is enhanced. Other supportive measures would be taken to ensure adequate flow of credit through extant financial institutions and banks, so that all women below poverty line have easy access to credit.

c. Women and Economy
Women‟s perspectives will be included in designing and implementing macro-economic and social policies by institutionalizing their participation in such processes. Their contribution to socio-economic development as producers and workers will be recognized in the formal and informal sectors (including home based workers) and appropriate policies relating to employment and to her working conditions will be drawn up. Such measures could include:


These Self Help Groups facilitate the process of economic empowerment through thrift and savings, training and skill up gradation and access to credit and other productive resources. They have become instruments of social empowerment through awareness generation and convergence of delivery of schemes. With the feeling of ownership and management of their own resources and savings, poor women have been able to choose their priorities and have even been found to cover the cost of additional nutrition and health gaps.


The SHG Federation is a network of several SHGs and a structure evolved by SHGs members consisting of representatives from different groups with a motive of supporting members to attain the goals of economic and social empowerment of women members and their capacity building. The main objective of the Trust of DMI, promoting SHG Federation is to build Self-Help communities of love, concern and solidarity among the poor woman irrespective of class or creed to empower themselves economically and socially whereby they can live with dignity.

Objectives of SHG Federation :-

  • a. To facilitate linkages between SHGs and banks/Govt. agencies/local institutions.
  • b. To have better access to development information and marketing linkages.
  • c. To help in achieving sustainability of SHG.
  • d. To strengthen the capacity of member-SHGs in one or more of a variety of fields (bookkeeping, accounting, marketing, financial management, advocacy, bank-linkage, accessing government schemes, to name some.


Women live in ignorance and face lot of subjugation by men and due to other social factors. Their ignorance, illiteracy and total submission to men are the big issues which need to be eradicated thus favouring women‟s peaceful living condition and ameliorating their life style positively for the good purposes. Women do not stand up for the human rights issue due to lack of adequate knowledge on the subject If women are aware of their rights, human rights, gender equality, and other available legal provisions, they can take up the issue on their own and stand for the rights.

Hence the trust of DMI organized series of capacity building programs for the women during this year such as, leadership development, Women and Human Rights, Book keeping, Managing Skills, Decision making, Communication and Interpersonal skills. A total of 2525 women have been trained on all these capacity building programs. These trainings helped women to build strong organizational set up and leadership from grass root level to serve in Self Help Groups, Federations and local government.


The community programs are initiated by SHGs, federations to meet the immediate needs of the people. The following activities clearly define the women participation in community rehabilitation programs.


The environmental awareness day was observed at Mailmoja along with both region (Visiga and Dar es Salaam) on 14th August 2010. The chief guest was Mr. Anatory Mhango from Morogoro agriculture officer and kibaha town. Three hundred and fifty women participated in this program and 150 seedlings were planted in mailmoja primary school. At the end of the program 30 women were awarded with certificates for the participation in catering training which was organized at Mail moja.


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